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Installing to Home Screen

Add to Home screen is a browser feature that allows installing a shortcut to the user's Home screen.

PWA checklist

First we need to follow a few steps to configure PWA support:

  1. Create a new public/app.webmanifest file:

        "background_color": "#000000",
        "display": "standalone",
        "icons": [
                "src": "logo-192x192.png",
                "sizes": "192x192",
                "type": "image/png",
                "purpose": "any maskable"
        "name": "Your Game",
        "start_url": "/"
  2. Create a 192x192 pixel icon in public/logo-192x192.png.

  3. Link to the manifest in your index.html:

    <!doctype html>
        <link rel="manifest" href="app.webmanifest">
  4. Create a new src/service-worker.ts that will be the entry point for your service worker:

    import { init } from "playpass/dist/esm/serviceWorker";
  5. Configure your build script to also build dist/service-worker.js whenever you npm run build. For example:

        "scripts": {
            "build": "vite build && esbuild src/service-worker.ts --bundle --minify --outfile=dist/service-worker.js"
  6. In your game where you call playpass.init(), pass along the service worker URL:

    await playpass.init({
        gameId: "your-game-id",
        serviceWorker: "./service-worker.js",

Checking if the player can install

Not all browsers support PWA installation. Other browsers require the user to spend some time interacting with the page before it can become installable. Use getInstallState() to check current availability.

if (playpass.device.getInstallState() == "installable") {
    // Show an offer to install for an in-game reward

Requesting to install

Call requestInstall() to show the built-in browser UI for installing the PWA.

const installed = await playpass.device.requestInstall();
if (installed) {
    // Player installed, give them a reward for installing

API reference