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Leaderboards encourage competition by showing your top players ranked by score.

Getting a leaderboard

Use getLeaderboard to get a Leaderboard instance. Your game can have any number of named leaderboards.

const leaderboard = playpass.leaderboards.getLeaderboard("MyAwesomeLeaderboard");

Submitting a score

To submit a score for the player, call submitScore.


If this player already submitted a score, the old score will be replaced if the new score is higher. If your leaderboard is inverted so that lower scores are considered better (like scores in golf, or times in racing), set lowerIsBetter to true:

leaderboard.submitScore(123, { lowerIsBetter: true });

Displaying top scores

listScores() returns a Promise for an array of LeaderboardRecord objects. Use the await JS keyword to wait for the Promise to resolve:

const records = await leaderboard.listScores();
for (const record of records) {
    console.log(`Rank ${record.rank} is ${record.profileData?.name || "Anonymous"}`);

The records will be sorted by ranking, with higher scores being better. As with submitScore, if your leaderboard scoring is inverted you can set lowerIsBetter to change the sort order:

const records = await leaderboard.listScores({ lowerIsBetter: true });

Setting the player's leaderboard profile data

Before we can display our leaderboard, we need to identify our players by attaching some custom data to their leaderboard profile.

playpass.leaderboards.setProfileData({ name: "Mario" });

The profile is an object that can contain arbitrary data. In the above examples, it contains only a name, but it can also include other custom data to jazz up your leaderboard.

It's up to developers to prompt the player for their name or other profile data. We recommend letting your players play anonymously, and only asking them for their name later in your game's experience.

Fetching the current player's record

Use getRecords to retrieve the records for a list of any particular player IDs:

const records = await leaderboard.getRecords([ playpass.account.getPlayerId() ]);

Implementing private leaderboards

Sending an invite

To create a private friends-only leaderboard, you can generate a random leaderboard name and send it to other players in a shared link.

const leaderboard = playpass.leaderboards.getLeaderboard("MyPrivateLeaderboard_" + Math.random());

// Create a link embedded with the name of the leaderboard
const link = playpass.createLink({ data: { leaderboardName: } });

// Share the link
playpass.share({ text: "Come join my leaderboard! " + link });

Use getLinkData() in your initialization to check if the game was launched from our invite link:

const data = playpass.getLinkData();
if (data && data.leaderboardName) {
    const leaderboard = playpass.leaderboards.getLeaderboard(data.leaderboardName);
    // We now have access to the leaderboard and can submit a score to it!

Implementing daily/weekly/monthly leaderboards

For time or level-based leaderboards, we recommend cycling your leaderboard names. For example, you can append the current day number or level seed to the name of the leaderboard.

API reference